treasured trash projectには、プロダクト、インテリア、グラフィック、アートなど、ジャンルを超えて集まったデザイナーが多数参加しています。

title co-creator

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Akiko Fukuda (Limb Co.)

福田晶子 (Limb Co.) (Product/Interior Designer / Tokyo, Japan)

多摩美術大学卒業。イデ−にてインハウスデザイナーを経て、2002年に独立。2004年にLimb Co., Ltd設立。オリジナル家具デザインneutral for COVAMOCやCIBONEの為のソファやランプなどのプロダクトデザインの他商業空間や、個人住宅やリモデリングなどのインテリアデザインを手掛ける。現在、植物と深く関わるためのインドアグリーンファニチャーを提案するlimbgreenを立ち上げ活動中。

Graduated from Tama Art University. After Working for IDEE Co., Ltd., established Limb Co., Ltd in 2004. She has been active to interior design for individual homes and re-modelings, as well as the product works such as her original furniture line "neutral for COVAMOC", sofas and lamps for CIBONE, and so on. She's started a unit "limbgreen" for proposing indoor garden furnitures to make people can have more deep relationship with planters.


Stay at Ladder [ステイ・アット・ラダー]
(Product, 2006/2007-)


Inside a room, bags with a custom rack is used for washed 'resource' waste to be deposited temporarily. The bag is immediately taken away for disposal. Reusable and anywhere to place it. Made of washable cloth. For serving as a place where 'resource' waste can rest (lodge) temporarily.

Resource post "abracadabra" 資源ポスト "おまじない、魔法をかける呪文"
shelf on shelf 棚又棚
chat table おしゃべりテーブル
Stay at Ladder "play support" 脇役を務める

(Product, Furniture, 2007)


When I saw the ECO-PLY. I designed a resource trash box and shelf and so on, valuing the lightness and mix feeling of the PET bottle lid. I made simple, natural and warm furniture thinking of the resource recycling and the circulation system.

Resource post "abracadabra"
Material: (body)ECO-PLY from pet bottle cap and wasted wood/ (box)Polypropylene
Pictogram: Kazuhisa Yamamoto (Donny Grafiks)

shelf on shelf
Material: ECO-PLY from pet bottle cap and wasted wood

chat table
Material: (table-board)ECO-PLY from pet bottle cap and wasted wood/ (stand)White painted steel

Stay at Ladder "play support"
Material: (body)White painted steel/ (stock bag)Polyester 100%

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Fumiko Ikeda (gift_)

池田史子 (gift_) (Creative Director / Tokyo, Japan) 

都市デザイン研究所(後ICC)、IDEEを経て2005年よりgift_。IDEEではWORKSTATION、Sputnik、TDBの立ち上げに参画。現在はデザインプロジェクトの企画制作、プレスサポート等を手がけつつ、サウンドアート、映像等を中心にトランスジャンルな発表を行う実験室本屋を主宰。2006 treasured trash projectをASYLと共にスタート。

Worked for Urban Design Research/UDR (ex-ICC) and IDEE Co., Ltd.While contracted at IDEE, planning and P.R. works were main experience.Participated as a start-member for numerous projects like IDEE WORKSTATION,one of IDEE's brand "Sputnik",design event "TDB".Became freelance creative director in 2005, and established the design unit, "gift_". Started trasured trash project with ASYL in 2006.


(Product, 2006/2007-)

Interior trolley kit to pile your old magazines.The layered magazine block that you got before works as a side table or stool in your room.


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gift_ (Space Design/Creative Unit / Tokyo, Japan)


They do total cultural design oriented mainly with space design. Sound, graphic and movie design and direction business are also some of our main consideration. Also they have gallery & shop called "gift_lab." The gallery introduces music, design, art, culture, etc. This showroom is mainly their base to present their philosophy towards the world besides what they do above.


treasured trash
(Communication, Space Design, 2006/2007-)

treasured trash projectのプロデュース、キュレーション、空間構成を担当。

gift_ is producing treasured trash project. Also taking charge of the curation and the space design.

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The New Shoppingbag distributed by GAS AS I/F

GAS AS I/F (Creative Agency / Tokyo, Japan)

このエコバックは、SUSAN BIJLが、家の近くのカイトショップでビニール凧用のビニールを購入し、一人の女性として、そして一児の母として「大容量で、それでいてカッコいいバッグが必要!」という日常の要望とファッションセンスをミックスさせてデザインしたもの。

The New Shoppingbag by SUSAN BIJL is designed for the demand "Mass and a good-looking bag is necessary". Mixed with the fashion sense and practical use.


The New Shoppingbag distributed by GAS AS I/F x SEE YOU AGAIN!
(Product, 2006)

GAS AS I/Fが販売する、オランダ人デザイナーSUSAN BIJL(スーザン・ベル)がデザインしたザ・ニューショッピングバッグは、キュートなデザイン、豊富なカラーバリエーション、15kgの耐荷重と撥水加工された実用性を併せ持つ、スタイリッシュなエコバッグです。今回、SEE YOU AGAIN!(徳田祐司)とのスペシャルエディションを限定リリース。

The New Shoppingbag distributed by GAS AS I/F is designed by SUSAN BIJL, a Holland based artist. This bag is really cute in design, has many combinations in color. This is the stylish and practical eco bag with strongness and waterproofs. A special limited edition with "SEE YOU AGAIN!" is released.  

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Think the Earth Project

Think the Earthプロジェクト (NPO / Tokyo, Japan)

Think the Earthプロジェクトは、「エコロジーとエコノミーの共存」を基本テーマに、ビジネスを通じて社会に貢献するしくみを提供し、日常生活のなかに、地球のことについて考えたり、感じたりするきっかけを作り出していくプロジェクトです。 地球規模の環境問題や、社会問題を前にしての「無関心とあきらめの心」こそ最大の課題と考え、様々なプロジェクトを生み出しています。

The Think the Earth Project creates opportunities for people to think about and relate to the Earth in their everyday lives. The basic ethos of the Project is "ecology and economy in coexistence". Business keeps the world economy ticking over, and to make business a better driving force for social change, it offers way to contribute to society through business, encouraging companies and individuals worldwide to participate.


water planet bottle, treasured trash model
(Product, 2006)

Think the Earthプロジェクトが2004年から手がけるウォーター・プラネット・キャンペーン。生命にとってなくてはならない「水」との関わりや、ボトルを持ち歩くという新たなライフスタイルを考えます。今回、treasured trash projectモデルが6種登場。Think the Earthプロジェクトのオンラインショップ "Think the Earth SHOP ソーシャル・デザイン・マーケット"でも販売中。

Think the Earth Project started the "water planet campaign" in 2004. The theme is "Your Life with Water - Let's talk about water. -" 6 Collaborated bottles with treasured trash, Katsuki Tanaka, Atsushi Toyama, Paul Davis, Alexander Gelman and MOGRA are released.

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VIINTA (Design Team / Tokyo, Japan)

V I N T A/岡本浩平、中村寿考。
2004年に結成。TokyoDesigersBlock2004 Ewa kumlin AWARD受賞、2005年StockfolmFunituerFair招聘、DesignTide2005、2007年21_21DESIGNSITE「CHOCOLATE」展、ドイツMuseum fur Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt「KATACHI」展などに出品。

VINTA, the design team of Kouhei Okamoto and Toshitaka Nakamura was established in 2004. Won Eva Kumlin AWARD at Tokyo Designers Block 2004. Invited to StockfolmFunituerFair in 2005, and took part in DesignTide in Tokyo 2005, 「CHOCOLATE」exhibition at 21_21 DESIGNSITE in 2007, 「KATACHI」exhibition at Museum fur Angewandte Kunst Frankfurt, etc.


(Product, 2007)


We worked this project while considering the limited resource, the essential thing for design. A large amount of paper trash generated from the office to the material of the stationery. The collected used PET bottle to the trash box of the assembly type. You'll see the background of the recycled material and story from these new products.

material:Paper-mold from used paper

material:Recycled plastic from used plastic
these prototypes are made of paper, plastic
graphics:Kazuhisa Yamamoto (Donny Grafiks)