treasured trash projectには、プロダクト、インテリア、グラフィック、アートなど、ジャンルを超えて集まったデザイナーが多数参加しています。

title co-creator

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アジール (Graphic Design Studio / Tokyo, Japan)

『ワイアード』日本版のアートディレクションを終えた佐藤直樹が、メディアの横断を目指してスタートさせたデザイン会社。グラフィック、映像、ウェブなど多種多様なメディアに対応しつつ、企画・ディレクション・デザインをトータルに行う。2006年にtreasured trash projectをgift_と共にスタート。また、都市再生を目指すCET(Central East Tokyo)のプロデュースも推進中。サンフランシスコ現代美術館パーマネントコレクション、NY ADC銀賞、他国内外にて受賞多数。

ASYL, former ASYL DESIGN and ASYL CRACK, is a graphic design studio that Naoki Sato established after finishing art direction of WIRED Japan. They do planning, direction and design thoroughly crossing over many fields such as graphic design, movies and the web. Started trasured trash project with gift_ in 2006. Also producing CET(Central East Tokyo), a project for regeneration and rediscovering the value of the central eastern districts of Tokyo. Won numerous awards around the world such as NY ADC Merit awards, and chosen for San Francisco Museum of Contemporary Arts permanent collection.


treasured trash
(Visual Communication, Product, 2006/2007-)

treasured trash projectのプロデュース、キュレーション、ヴィジュアルディレクションを担当。

ASYL is producing treasured trash project. Also taking charge of the curation and the visual direction.

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gift_ (Space Design/Creative Unit / Tokyo, Japan)


They do total cultural design oriented mainly with space design. Sound, graphic and movie design and direction business are also some of our main consideration. Also they have gallery & shop called "gift_lab." The gallery introduces music, design, art, culture, etc. This showroom is mainly their base to present their philosophy towards the world besides what they do above.


treasured trash
(Communication, Space Design, 2006/2007-)

treasured trash projectのプロデュース、キュレーション、空間構成を担当。

gift_ is producing treasured trash project. Also taking charge of the curation and the space design.

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Kazuhisa Yamamoto (Donny Grafiks)

山本和久 (Donny Grafiks) (Art Director / Tokyo, Japan) 

Donny Grafiks主宰。1994年多摩美術大学グラフィックデザイン科卒。フラミンゴスタジオを経て1997年独立。ミニマムな表現で最大限の効果をコンセプトにCIからエディトリアル、Webまで幅広く活動。最近ではIID(世田谷ものづくり学校)のADやexcite デザイナーズポータル、国立新美術館のSOUVENIR FROM TOKYO(SFT)での「FROM TOKYO」展、SFT×UTのTシャツプロジェクトの参加など。

Kazuhisa Yamamoto aka Donny Grafiks graduated from the Tama Art University graphic art department in 1994. Became independent after working at Flamingo Studio in 1997. His design policy is minimum expression but maximum effects. Crossing over many fields such as CI, editorial, and the web. Recent activities: AD for IID and excite designers portal. Contribution to "FROM TOKYO" exhibition at SFT, THE NATIONAL ART CENTER, TOKYO and T-shirts project for SFT x UT, etc.


minimum but maxmum / PICTOLOGY
(Pictogram, 2006/2007-)



I want to create the new standard pictogram for the teash/resource box. I also wish to create some series of picture books of the new pictogram.

The pictograph was one of communication tools before the letter appeared. Looking at the pictograph in the ancient cave, sometimes we can understand the scenery and culture more deeply as well as the fact. Creating strong pictogram that tells us the exact meanings and stimulates our imagination.

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Kei Sato (ecocolo)

佐藤啓 (ecocolo) (Editor / Tokyo, Japan)


Born in 1977. Graduated from University of London, master course of media studies. He was involved in editing of "Tank" a culture magazine while attending university. After returning home in 2003, he became a freelance editor. In 2006, he's installed as a editor in chief for the lifestyle magazine "Ecocolo" that proposes an eco-conscious way to live. Now he's being active to it.


treasured trash prologue book
(Book, 2006)

「ecocolo(エココロ)」は「エコを感じるココロ」。そんなココロを持つすべての人に向けて、都市ならではの「自分に優しく地球に優しい暮らし方」を提案するライフスタイル・マガジンです。「treasured trash prologue book」の編集、制作をしています。

‘ecocolo’ means our minds (kokoro) to feel nature and environment. For all people who have ‘ecocolo’, the eco-conscious lifestyle magazine suggests the ways of living which make not only ourselves but also the earth. We edit and produce a prologue book of treasured trash project.

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リワインド (Creative Agency / Tokyo, Japan)


REWIND is a company for design communications, dealing with various activities of Corporate branding, ADs, Product development, PR support for NPO and so on. Aiming at "the expression of a natural voice" regardless of the scale or media though it is a small-scale office of six whole numbers.


(Communication, 2006)

treasured trash projectのコンセプトを、“言葉”の力でストレートに表現します。この世の中に必要ないものなんてない。

We express the "treasured trash project" straightly by the power of the word. "Nothing is worthless."

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Shingo Ohno

大野真吾 (Creative Director / Tokyo, Japan)

Widen+Kennedy Tokyo (office)>
Merce Death (music)>

I'm a creative director who makes web sites, movies, graphics, and also music. Awards: Cannes Cyber Lion, NY Festival,London International Advertising Awards, Tokyo Interactive Ad Awards.
Widen+Kennedy Tokyo (office)>
Merce Death (music)>


The Reducer
(Interactive contents, 2006)


This is an interactive content that it explain about the“3R”. This word is not so popular in Japan. But we need to know about these things. Especialy, I want to explain about “Reduce” that it will become to the most important thing in our future.

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Yuji Tokuda (canaria)

徳田祐司 (canaria) (Art Director / Tokyo, Japan)


Art director. Worked for DENTSU and KesselsKramer in Holland, he's just established a communication design company, canaria. Taking an active part in advertisement, various fields and countries.


(Visual Communication, Product, 2006/2007-)

人とゴミの新しい関係を作りたいと思い、ゴミを捨てる時に一つのセリフを用意しました。「SEE YOU AGAIN!」は捨てる行為が最後の別れではない事を伝えたかったから。

"SEE YOU AGAIN!" is a saying inspired by garbage to be used after acts of consumption. Abandonment is never the last parting. This phrase extends and modifies the relationship between people and objects.

SEE YOU AGAIN! paper (2006)
SEE YOU AGAIN! sticker (2006)
SEE YOU AGAIN! x The New Shoppingbag distributed by GAS AS I/F (2006)
SEE YOU AGAIN! coaster (2007)
Material: Ecopanel of 100% PET